Thursday 9 March 2023

Toffee Wants To Hire In Some Muscle

There I was lounging about on the windowsill when I spotted the neighbour's idiot cat.

He's called Rajah and is the bane of my life. He pinches my food, leaves his smelly scent all over the garden and thinks he's sooooooo posh just because he has a smidgeon of Persian cat in him.

I'm too comfortable to move so I hall have to hire in some muscle. Anyone got a spare crocodile?

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Wednesday 1 February 2023

Toffee Seizes The Day

The old woman is running around like a demented cod and shouting "carpe diem, Toffee" in my ear. Seize the day? I see no cod or carp so I'm not interested!

No, I'm going to build up my strength during a restorative nap. I think that's a much better use of my time than dashing around like a fool.

Lifestyle tips courtesy of Toffee!

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Friday 13 January 2023

Toffee's Kiss A Ginger Day Complaint

Yesterday was Kiss A Ginger Day. Who on EARTH thought this was a good idea? I have to skedaddle pretty damn quick to escape the amatory osculations of my old woman at the best of times without making it official.

I spent all day trying to dodge her attempts to plant a smacker on the top of my head. I hardly got a wink of sleep - only 16 hours compared to my usual 18. 

This day should be BANNED for the sake of all gingers who don't want to end the day sleep-deprived and with soggy fur.


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Monday 19 December 2022

Toffee Loses The Christmas Spirit

The costume the old woman has been looking at on the internet.

Hope you are all ready for Christmas. I've bought my presents. I'm getting the old woman a cardboard box and the old man a packet of prawns. They are sure to appreciate the thoughtfulness I've put into choosing their gifts.

Not that the old woman deserves a gift. I caught her looking at this cat costume on the internet. Word to the wise, old woman, if that costume gets anywhere near my body you and it are both toast! You have been warned...

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Monday 5 December 2022

Toffee Talks About Acro-Cats

Monday 28 November 2022

The Hoomans Oversleep

My old man and old woman have been rushing around like blue arsed flies this morning after doing something called "oversleeping". They were tired because their sleep was disturbed by someone - ahem - zooming around the bedroom in the middle of the night. Whether that was anything to do with me, I couldn't possibly comment.

They eventually ran off to work at the rate of knots, glaring at me as they exited the premises.

The trouble with hoomans is that they waste so much energy doing things that don't need doing. For example, cooking. They don't need to cook. Open pouches, tins or packets of prawns (especially packets of prawns). Minimal energy expended on nutritious meals.

I found this on the internet and I would print it out for them but I'm conserving energy: "Hoomans should simplify their lives into energy intake (snack), energy conservation (catnap), energy restoration (snack again), more energy conservation for digestion (catnap again) and so on. Human eyesight is poor. It’s pitiful to see them blundering about, stubbing their toes in the dark, but their blindness is useful if you decide to snack on the hamster at midnight."

Wise words indeed.

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Monday 21 November 2022

Toffee Goes On The Attack

In his head Rajah looks like this but he's nothing but a plain old scruffy cat.

Rajah, the stoopid cat from next door, thinks he's so grand because he's got a smidgeon of pedigree cat in him but let me tell you, he's nothing but an ANNOYING LITTLE TWERP with minimal hygiene skills.

What has he done to upset me now? He's breathing for a start but apart from that he crept into my house when the door was left open (YOUR fault, old woman) and stole my breakfast.

I have my revenge planned. I'm going to lure him into the garden by dressing like this. 

Scary, huh? Then I will...


and peck him into submission. That'll teach him to tangle with Toffee. Little oik.

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