Monday, 25 September 2023

Toffee's Purrpetual Pest

I've written before about my neighbour Rajah - or the Purrpetual Pest as I call him. He's the biggest nuisance you have EVER met. He has the uncanny ability to transform even the most peaceful moments into chaos. Today I was snoozing in the garden when loud yowls shattered my peace and he came charging over the fence.

"Sorry, old girl," he yelled as he leapt over the far fence to chase another cerebrally challenged cat. What did he mean by OLD girl? OLD? I am mature, not old. (No matter how old he gets, he'll never be MATURE.)

He has no disregard for personal boundaries. If he's not charging across my territory, he is sauntering in uninvited, attempting to hijack my food or steal my sun puddle. When I'm grooming my beautiful ginger and white coat or engrossed in a captivating sunbeam, Rajah always manages to spoil the moment.  His preferred method of communication? Loud annoying yowls that echo through the neighbourhood.

He's always strutting around like he owns the place. I can't even take a peaceful nap in my own backyard without him sauntering by and giving me that smug look. 

Don't even get me started on his midnight serenades. I'm all for expressing oneself, but does he have to sing the song of his people at 3 a.m.? It's incredibly disruptive, and disturbs my beauty sleep.

I've had enough of his shenanigans, and it's time for some peace and quiet around here. 

There's are lots of conversations between Rajah and me in here:

You can follow me on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. As you can see, I have far too much to say for myself.


  1. Oh dear! Even though he doesn't look like Flynn, he does sound a lot like him. He always acted kittenish and would walk around the garden not so much yowling as hollering. He always did that even before he got older. He liked everyone to know where he was.

  2. Toffee, does Rajah still have, um...'package'?

    1. Please! I'm too much of a lady to look!

  3. Replies
    1. SOOOOOO annoying. You'd never believe!

  4. Replies
    1. Please get your eyes tested. There is obviously a problem.

  5. Males definitely mature slower, if ever. lol

  6. We feel for you Toffee Over the last couple of weeks there is an orange devil named Harry who keeps coming into our backyard insisting on being our friend and Amarula is having none of it!

    1. So annoying for you. I feel your pain!
