Dear Old Man and Old Woman
I was tidying the treat cupboard today as you had left it in such a mess after rootling around for choc chip cookies last night. I was not looking for Dreamies, Lick-e-Lix or any other tasty little titbit, you understand; I was purely on tidying duties.
Anyhoo, there was a big pack of something called Jelly
Babies. Although I am no fan of babies or any small hooman people, please tell
me you haven’t taken to eating them. I’m not squeamish as you know but in my
opinion eating babies is a step too far.
My fear is that babies could be a gateway food to cats.
Dear Toffee
No, silly. Jelly Babies are made of jelly and sugar. They
come in the shape of babies and do not include any human ingredients.
I hope this puts your mind at rest. You are
perfectly safe from human consumption being somewhat furry and fatty.
The Old Man and Old Woman
Dear Old Man and Old Woman,
I am glad to hear that no cats will ever be on your menu.
While I’m writing, I must draw your attention to a misspelling in your letter.
You do not spell fabulous F-A-T-T-Y.
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