Monday, 14 October 2024

It's All Good Over The Rainbow Bridge

I know, I know - it's been ages since I've written but it's so lovely here over the rainbow bridge that it's hard to find the time, what with treats on demand, unlimited cuddles and all the cat toys you could ever want.

If only the old man and old woman had been as solicitous of my welfare when I lived on earth. Have a look at this, a letter I once wrote to the old man, which will give a clue of what I had to put up with. It's included in my book.

Dear Old Man,

What time are you and the old woman getting home? I’m in danger of starving to death here. That breakfast you left me was eaten by zombies while I was defending the homestead. They must have crept in via the cat flap when my back was turned.

Mice ate all the dry food.

I’m so hungry. My life is hanging by a thread. I need prawns. Pick up a couple of packets on your way home.


Dear Toffee,

We’re on our way. So sorry to hear about the zombies and the mice. They are devious little devils, aren’t they? Ha-ha. We don’t need prawns. We have plenty in the freezer. We have to stop at the supermarket to pick up some bread so a treat or two for you may find their way into our basket. Try to hang on for another half an hour before pegging out!

The Old Man

I have a feeling they’re not taking my predicament as seriously as they ought to be. Humph.

Look at this: 


  1. Human time and feline time are so very different!
    Especially when it comes to mealtimes.

  2. It is nice to hear from you, Toffee. I agree, they should be taking your predicament far more seriously.

  3. Glad you are well and happy Toffee !

  4. Nice to see a post from you. I really enjoyed your book. Xo

  5. You are missed, sweet Toffee. Best wishes to your family.
