Wednesday, 15 April 2020

M is For Mistakes

Mistakes? I never make one. My old man and old woman may THINK I have made a mistake but they are wrong.

They may see me climb to the top of the bookcase and then, apparently, miss my footing and plummet to the floor. I have, however, done this completely on purpose. I am in training for the Purrlympics. 

Never heard of them? Well, we cats don't like to brag about our athletic expertise so we hold our events in secret. I am the world champion in the Three Metre Drop and aim to keep my title this year.

My head is apparently stuck in a cardboard box. No, it is not. I can remove the box whenever I like. I am just in here checking there are no insects stuck in the corners. It might take me some time. Yes, I'm still looking. I know it's been ten minutes but I am nothing if not thorough. If you want to, you can take the box off me. I will humour you and allow you to do that. Like, now? NOW!

I apparently swallowed a bee by accident. Silly, silly you. Haven't you heard that bee venom cures arthritis? I know my face has blown up like a balloon but that's a small price to pay for not having this debilitating illness. I am aware I don't actually have arthritis  but this is merely proof that my preventative measure is working.

You laugh when I apparently chase my own tail in the mistaken belief it belongs to someone else. But what I am actually doing is testing Dizziness Resistance. I must make sure that after four or five head-spinning turns I can still stand up. I am doing this for YOU, old man and old woman. What if, for example, I spotted a mouse inside a-a-a spinning thing, how could I rescue you from the little monster if I were  having a dizzy spell? 

So you see I am a totally mistake-free zone.

You can follow me on Facebook,  talk to me on Twitter, and idolise me on Instagram.


  1. ROTFLOL - oh, I think I have a cat in training for the Purrlympics too, only she's going for an even longer drop! This is awesome 😂
    Tasha 💖
    Virginia's Parlour - The Manor (Adult concepts - nothing explicit in posts)
    Tasha's Thinkings - Vampire Drabbles

    1. We are very athletic, we cats.

  2. Of course cats don't make mistakes. I am sure Velvet meant to lean against the window screen, pop it out and fall into the front yard!

    1. Of course Velvet did it on purpose! No doubt about it.

  3. I know you are purrfect Toffee.

    1. Thank you. You are a person of great intelligence.

  4. You have convinced are PURRFECT! Hugs and pets ...see ya tomorrow!

    1. I am, Kathe. I really, really am.

  5. Adorable is a very good word for me, Navita.
