Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Y is for Yoga

He makes it look so easy

I HAVE noticed over the last few months that my normally sleek, well-toned physique has become a little fluffy around the edges. I blame the old man and the old woman (who else) for allowing me too many treats like cheese and sausage off their plates. In an  effort to regain the body of a lean, mean fighting machine, I have taken up yoga.

There are many poses suitable for a fit young girl like me. I don't mind the Crane and the Cobra but I draw the line at the Downward Dog pose. I have my standards.

So here are a few of the poses I have been trying out:




And relax...

My blog That's Purrfect is also in the A to Z Challenge. Read it here
*     *     *     *     *     *    *
Well, I've finally done it. I have written my no-holds-barred exposé of my life. Prepare to be AMAZED, prepare to be SHOCKED, prepare to be ENTHRALLED blah, blah, blah. Left is the paperback, right is the Kindle version.


You can follow me on Facebook,  talk to me on Twitter, and idolise me on Instagram.


  1. Oh yes, I have seen much more cats like the last photo than the other ;)) Fun post!
    Y is for Young

  2. Nice! You've inspired me to exercise. Heh...

  3. Cats are naturals at yoga.

  4. These images are hilarious. :) Congratulations on finishing your A to Z!

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