Wednesday 8 April 2020

G is for Grounded

It is more in sadness than in anger that I have to report that I sometimes have to GROUND the old man and old woman. The last time was a few weeks ago when I was forced to ground them for a month after their disgraceful behaviour at a party.

They completely ignored the curfew I set them and rolled in past midnight. They also ignored my rules about no laughing and no loud voices after dark.

They TOTALLY ignored my VERY STRICT rule about extra prawn rations if they are up late. I also blame the two hoomans who threw the party so I grounded them too. Oh, and EVERYONE who went to that party were GROUNDED.

My blog That's Purrfect is also in the A to Z Challenge. Read it here

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Well, I've finally done it. I have written my no-holds-barred exposé of my life. Prepare to be AMAZED, prepare to be SHOCKED, prepare to be ENTHRALLED. Left is the paperback, right is the Kindle version.


You can follow me on Facebook,  talk to me on Twitter, and idolise me on Instagram.


  1. Are they on stay at home orders like a lot of the world? If so, you really meant business when you grounded them! But, you have taken this grounding a bit far affecting the world. We ALL haven't wronged you!

    1. I must confess the current grounding wasn't in my plans. I don't want the old man and old woman under my paws all day every day, they are much too annoying for that. When they were grounded I allowed them to go to work but they weren't allowed to go out in the evening. I hope your current grounding is OK. Stay safe and stay strong. xx

  2. Awww Toffee they are only human and have flaws...not claws! Be nice and let them out every once in a while! Cheers!

    1. Flaws, not claws - I like that! Yes, they have many, many flaws but they do their best!

  3. You don't even have to ground them right now, the government will to protect from coronavirus.

  4. I'm sure they deserved being grounded... rules are rules, right? ;-)
