Thursday 30 November 2023

Toffee's Old Woman Misses A Deadline

I'm not sure what a deadline is - to me they are a queue of dead mice in the garden - but the old woman is always frantically typing away trying not to miss one.

They seem to be some strange things that force her to sit at her computer banging away on the keys and swearing a lot when she should be sitting on the sofa petting me. I'm not too keen on deadlines.

Anyway, last week she was mortified to miss one. I caught sight of the email she wrote: 

Dear Sir, I'm afraid my article will be a little late this week due to circumstances beyond my control. 

I don't know what these circumstances were...

Look at this: 

You can follow me on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. As you can see, I have far too much to say for myself.


  1. Toffee, someone's priorities are skewed; tending to your needs is always most pawtant!

  2. Deadlines are a pain. I am glad they are in my distant past!

  3. Humans always miss deadlines. XO
