Monday 27 April 2020

W is for Walks

The old man and old woman like to go out for a walk - but just because they like aimlessly wandering about with sweets in their pockets, it doesn't mean I  like it too. I get enough exercise playing and hunting, thank you very much. So I was more than a little surprised when the old woman crept up on me the other day as I was napping on the sofa.

Suddenly, I felt something being put over my head and around my chest. I leapt to my feet, looked down over myself and realised I had been trussed like a chicken in some ill-fitting harness contraption with a lead attached.

‘Come on,’ said the old woman brightly. ‘We’re going for a walk.’


YOU might be going for a walk, lady, I most certainly am not.

She lifted me up and carried me outside. She put me down and gave a little tug to the leash. With admirable restraint I refrained from attacking her legs.

‘Come on Toffee, walkies!’ I walked onto the grass. She tried to pull me forward. I lay down. She dragged me along the lawn.

‘Toffee, stand up. We’re going for a walk.’

I dug my claws into the grass. She tugged harder and dragged me a bit further. I made a run for it, taking her by surprise, and scaled the nearest tree, the harness trailing behind me.

She stood underneath, calling me.

‘Come down, Toffee. It’s OK. You don’t have to go for a walk. I’ll get you some prawns. Don’t stay up there, you might get the lead tangled in the branches.’

The old man, who had been watching from the doorway, reached up, lifted me from the tree and removed the harness. He appeared to be laughing about something. Not sure what.

‘That went well!’ he said to the old woman.

She stared at him, stony-faced, snatched the harness and stalked off indoors.

The old man tickled me under the chin.

‘Come on, girl. Let’s go find some prawns.’

My blog That's Purrfect is also in the A to Z Challenge. Read it here

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
Well, I've finally done it. I have written my no-holds-barred exposé of my life. Prepare to be AMAZED, prepare to be SHOCKED, prepare to be ENTHRALLED. Left is the paperback, right is the Kindle version.

You can follow me on Facebook,  talk to me on Twitter, and idolise me on Instagram.

Saturday 25 April 2020

V is for Valentine's Day

My old man and old woman are a soppy pair and always celebrate Valentine's Day. This year they swapped presents and went out for dinner. They didn't forget me and I got a card from ‘A Secret Admirer’ and some special cat treats. Not much of a secret as I saw the old woman writing the card and wrapping the present.

Valentine's Day wasn't always so peaceful. The other year the old man decided to scale back a bit on the romantic gifts - gulp! Had he learned nothing after years of living with the old woman?

The day arrived and the old man got a card and some electronic gizmo he’d been dropping hints about for weeks. He was delighted and handed over a present to the old woman. She ripped the paper off excitedly. Then her face fell.

‘A garlic press and an electric tin opener? You got me a garlic press and a tin opener for Valentine’s Day?’

Then his face fell. ‘But you said you wanted a garlic press and the tin opener is electric,’ he said.

She pursed her lips and said coldly, 'I might have wanted a garlic press. But. Not. For. Valentine's. Day.'  She flung the presents at him and stalked out of the room saying: ‘Don’t come near me. Don’t come anywhere near me.’

Then he left too with his wallet clutched in his hand. Later, the house was full of flowers, chocolates and the smell of very expensive perfume. Peace was restored.

My blog That's Purrfect is also in the A to Z Challenge. Read it here

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
Well, I've finally done it. I have written my no-holds-barred exposé of my life. Prepare to be AMAZED, prepare to be SHOCKED, prepare to be ENTHRALLED. Left is the paperback, right is the Kindle version.


You can follow me on Facebook,  talk to me on Twitter, and idolise me on Instagram.

Friday 24 April 2020

U is for Understanding

I FEAR I do not sufficiently understand the human race. In an effort to get into the head of the old woman in order to more fully understand the human brain, I sat on her chest while she was asleep in bed and stared. She awoke and pushed me off. 

When she fell back asleep I sat on her chest again and resumed my staring. This happened five or six times until the alarm went off.

‘I’ve hardly slept a wink,’ she told the old man in the morning. ‘That cat’s been creeping me out.’

‘The staring?’ he asked. She nodded.

‘I know,’ he replied. ‘Sometimes She’s like a character out of Nightmare On Elm Street.’

Nightmare On Elm Street? I don't remember seeing a stunning babe of a ginger cat in that. I thought I was more like the cat in the old Disney film The Three Lives of Thomasina, based on the Paul Gallico book Thomasina: The Cat Who Thought She Was God

Oh, that's a good idea for a film. Toffee: The Cat Who WAS a God.

Take note, Disney.

My blog That's Purrfect is also in the A to Z Challenge. Read it here

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
Well, I've finally done it. I have written my no-holds-barred exposé of my life. Prepare to be AMAZED, prepare to be SHOCKED, prepare to be ENTHRALLED blah, blah, blah. Left is the paperback, right is the Kindle version.


You can follow me on Facebook,  talk to me on Twitter, and idolise me on Instagram.

Thursday 23 April 2020

A Tail With a Happy Ending

I was investigating a small scab on my tail. I tried to grab it to have a closer look but my tail flopped just out of reach. You would think it had a mind of its own. I flipped around to try to get from another angle but it flopped again. Flip. Flop. Flip. Flop.’

I heard a voice from the sitting-room door.

‘What the hell are you doing, Toffee?’

The old man must have been watching my exertions. I ignored him, pounced and finally managed to capture my tail. I started chewing at the scab.

‘Good Lord, Toffee, what a funny little weirdo you are.’

Weirdo? Who's a weirdo?

This from the man who plucks his nose hairs with his wife’s eyebrow tweezers and sings into his hairbrush with his collar up pretending to be Elvis.

You can follow me on Facebook,  talk to me on Twitter, and idolise me on Instagram.

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Wednesday 22 April 2020

S is for Snacks

I’ve just heard the old man asking the old woman if she’d seen the cheese and biscuits he’d left on the table.

‘I saw them earlier,’ she said. Then they both looked at me licking my lips while sitting on three crackers.

‘WHAT? You think it was me? Why blame me? I always get the blame. Give me a break.’ 

I could have said more but I was too busy digging pieces of cheddar out of my teeth.

My blog That's Purrfect is also in the A to Z Challenge. Read it here

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
Well, I've finally done it. I have written my no-holds-barred exposé of my life. Prepare to be AMAZED, prepare to be SHOCKED, prepare to be ENTHRALLED. Left is the paperback, right is the Kindle version.


You can follow me on Facebook,  talk to me on Twitter, and idolise me on Instagram.

Tuesday 21 April 2020

R is for Revenge

I am not a vindictive cat (not very...)  but, even so, it's best not to upset me. I can cough up hairballs on cue. I can pretend to be cuddly wuddly and then suddenly attack and I will give you a very stern look if you try to feed me sub-standard food.

I have other devious tips for you cats who want to teach those hoomans  a lesson. For example, the other day I was shut in the utility room just because the old man and the old woman were chasing a mouse around the house. I have NO IDEA where it came from. Ahem.

So, here's an idea for some minor revenge. Sit on the TV remote control and surreptitiously change channels when the hoomans are least expecting it. I did this the other night just as Poirot was about to unmask the murderer.

If you have a cat litter tray you can hijack the car keys and bury them. Your people will spend hours searching for them and only find them, nicely marinated, when they empty the tray. This was tip number two. Number two. Get it? Not sure if Number Two is a reference used outside of the UK. If you don't know what it means, read this in the urban dictionary.

Save some prawns from your dinner (if you can resist eating them) and hide them away where they will get nicely stinky and the hoomans will spend hours trying to find the source of the smell.

These are just three of my tips. Make sure you use them sparingly because a. the hoomans will soon get wise to your tricks and b. you don't want to upset them too much because they're OK really.

My blog That's Purrfect is also in the A to Z Challenge. Read it here
*     *     *     *     *     *    *
Well, I've finally done it. I have written my no-holds-barred exposé of my life. Prepare to be AMAZED, prepare to be SHOCKED, prepare to be ENTHRALLED. Left is the paperback, right is the Kindle version.


You can follow me on Facebook,  talk to me on Twitter, and idolise me on Instagram.

Monday 20 April 2020

Q is for Quote

There are many quotes extolling the virtues of cats because, let's face it, we are a superior species and adoration is our due.

My favourite is by Mark Twain, a very clever man indeed, not least because he was a cat lover. He said: ‘If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat.’

Was there ever a truer word spoken?

The old woman read this quote out to the old man just as I was trying to fit into a small cardboard box and breaking out the sides.

‘I don’t think Twain ever had a cat,’ he mumbled as he glanced at me.

What's that supposed to mean? What is he implying?

The man's a fool.

My blog That's Purrfect is also in the A to Z Challenge. Read it here

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
Well, I've finally done it. I have written my no-holds-barred exposé of my life. Prepare to be AMAZED, prepare to be SHOCKED, prepare to be ENTHRALLED. Left is the paperback, right is the Kindle version.


You can follow me on Facebook,  talk to me on Twitter, and idolise me on Instagram.